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Self Mapping (Same Identifier)

In some cases, we might want to map a model (identifier) to itself. In AutoMapper TypeScript, this is called Self Mapping. Let's explore the following models

export class Person {
name!: string; // always required
nickname?: string; // can be optional

export class Org {
@AutoMap(() => [Person])
people!: Person[];

export class OrgDto {
@AutoMap(() => [Person])
people!: Person[];

Instead of having a PersonDto, our Org and OrgDto use Person for the field people. There are situations where this is the case. With this in mind, we can create our mappings as follow:

* Short-hand syntax for
* createMap(
* mapper,
* Person,
* Person,
* forMember(...)
* )
createMap(mapper, Person, forMember(d => d.nickname, mapFrom(s => s.nickname ??;
createMap(mapper, Org, OrgDto);

We can then map Org to OrgDto as normal

const dto =, Org, OrgDto);
// we can also map the "people"
* Short-hand syntax for: mapper.mapArray(org.people, Person, Person);
const mappedPeople = mapper.mapArray(org.people, Person);