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Mapper is the main character in AutoMapper TypeScript. Everything starts with a Mapper. To create a Mapper, call createMapper() along with a Strategy

const mapper = createMapper({
strategyInitializer: classes(),


In order for Mapper to map properties, Mapper needs to know about the properties' metadata. That's what the Strategy provides to the Mapper. A Strategy deals with:

  • Discover the metadata: Based on the user input, a strategy needs to know how to discover the metadata of the models from that input. E.g: @automapper/classes can discover the metadata with @AutoMap decorator.
  • Retrieve the metadata: A strategy has its own "storage" to store the raw metadata. In order for Mapper to work consistently, a Strategy needs to provide a way to retrieve this metadata in the shape that Mapper can understand. E.g: @automapper/classes stores the metadata in Reflect object.
  • Apply the metadata: By default, Mapper knows how to apply the metadata for a specific model. However, the consumers can customize this behavior by passing in a custom applyMetadata function.

In addition to dealing with metadata, a Strategy also provides two hooks:

  • preMap: Runs before the map operation starts. This step is usually to prepare the sourceObject before it goes into the map operation.
  • postMap: Runs after the map operation starts. This step is usually to massage the result destinationObject before it gets returned to the user.

Official Strategies

AutoMapper TypeScript comes with 4 official strategies:

@automapper/classesclasses()Works with TS/ES6 Classes
@automapper/pojospojos()Works with Interfaces/Types
@automapper/mikromikro()Works with TS/ES6 Classes and MikroORM
@automapper/sequelizesequelize()Works with TS/ES6 Classes and Sequelize

mikro() and sequelize() are extensions of classes(). They call classes() with different MappingStrategyInitializerOptions


AutoMapper TypeScript exposes a logger via the symbol AutoMapperLogger. There are 4 log levels:

  • log
  • warn
  • info
  • error

By default, these log levels are implemented using the console's counterparts in addition to having [AutoMapper] as the prefix.

console.log('some log'); // some log
AutoMapperLogger.log('some log'); // [AutoMapper]: some log


We can customize AutoMapperLogger via AutoMapperLogger.configure()

// in your application's entry point, at the top
warn: null, // nullify "warn" completely

There is one caveat in terms of customizing AutoMapperLogger which is having to call AutoMapperLogger.configure() as soon as possible so we need to pick a file that is guaranteed to run early, preferably earlier than decorators.

  • In NestJS, this can be app.module.ts
  • In Angular, this can be polyfills.ts

The caveat stems from the fact that @AutoMap decorator from @automapper/classes does have a AutoMapperLogger.warn call when it fails to infer the type from Reflection. This might not be a desired behavior in certain environments.