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Auto Flattening

One of the common usages of object-object mapping is to take a complex object model and flatten it to a simpler model. If we set up the models following the convention, AutoMapper can help with flattening automatically. To enable Auto Flattening, we need to set the NamingConvention for our models.

Let's assume we have the following complex models:

class Product {
price!: number;
name!: string;

constructor(price: number, name: string) {
this.price = price; = name;

class Customer {
name!: string;

constructor(name: string) { = name;

class OrderItem {
@AutoMap(() => Product)
product!: Product;
quantity!: number;

constructor(product: Product, quantity: number) {
this.product = product;
this.quantity = quantity;

get total() {
return this.product.price * this.quantity;

class Order {
@AutoMap(() => [OrderItem])
items: OrderItem[] = [];
@AutoMap(() => Customer)
customer!: Customer;

constructor(customer: Customer) {
this.customer = customer;

@AutoMap() // 👇 need to specify the type for getter
get total(): number {
return this.items.reduce((sum, item) => sum +, 0);

addItem(product: Product, quantity: number) {
this.items.push(new OrderItem(product, quantity));

Now, we want to map the complex Order model to a simpler OrderDto that contains only the data needed for a certain scenario:

class OrderDto {
customerName!: string;
total!: number;

Assuming we have Auto Flattening enabled by applying a NamingConvention, AutoMapper will attempt to match the properties on OrderDto against Order and its child models (Product and Customer) when we call createMap(mapper, Order, OrderDto)

// complex model
const product = new Product(5, 'Fried Chicken');
const customer = new Customer('Chau Tran');
const order = new Order(customer);
order.addItem(product, 10);
* Order {
* customer: Customer {
* name: 'Chau Tran'
* },
* items: [
* OrderItem {
* product: Product {
* price: 5,
* name: 'Fried Chicken
* },
* quantity: 10
* }
* ]
* }

// configure AutoMapper with NamingConvention
const mapper = createMapper({
strategyInitializer: classes(),
// 👇 apply the CamelCaseNamingConvention
namingConventions: new CamelCaseNamingConvention(),

createMap(mapper, Order, OrderDto);

const dto =, Order, OrderDto);
* OrderDto {
* customerName: 'Chau Tran',
* total: 50
* }