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Create a Mapper


First step is to install @automapper/* via npm or yarn

npm i @automapper/core @automapper/classes reflect-metadata
yarn add @automapper/core @automapper/classes reflect-metadata
  • We are using @automapper/classes for this tutorial. Check Installation for more details.
  • The rest of the tutorial will apply to @automapper/classes only. If you're using @automapper/pojos, please check POJOs Strategy

Next, let's adjust the tsconfig of your project. Make sure that you have the following options:

"experimentalDecorators": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"skipLibCheck": true

skipLibCheck is required if your TypeScript version is below 4.0

Create your first Mapper

Now that you have everything installed and configured, let's start creating the Mapper.

import { createMapper } from '@automapper/core';
import { classes } from '@automapper/classes';

// Create and export the mapper
export const mapper = createMapper({
strategyInitializer: classes(),

A typical project should only have a singleton Mapper with a certain MappingStrategy.


createMapper() accepts a CreateMapperOptions which allows to customize the Mapper. Read more at createMapper() API

Metadata Discovery

For AutoMapper to do the Auto part, you need to tell AutoMapper about your models. In other words, let AutoMapper know what your models have, what properties, what types those properties have.

With @automapper/classes, you will use @AutoMap() decorator to do so. Let's bring back the models

export class User {
firstName: string;

lastName: string;

username: string;

password: string; // <- we purposely left this one out because we don't want to map "password"

@AutoMap(() => Bio)
bio: Bio;

export class Bio {
@AutoMap(() => Job)
job: Job;

birthday: Date;

avatarUrl: string;

export class Job {
title: string;

salary: number;

In addition to attaching @AutoMap() on most properties of both User and UserDto, we also remove all the existing mapping logics in UserDto. The result is UserDto no longer needs to be aware of User.

@AutoMap() can help AutoMapper to track the property and its type. For nested model like Bio, we help @AutoMap() by providing a function that returns the type (e.g.: () => Bio)


Read more about @AutoMap()


If you want to remove the verbosity with @AutoMap(), check out Transformer Plugin